Policies and technologies for participatory democracy

11. April 2024 12:00 - 12:00
City of Barcelona

On April 11th, from 10:00 am to 12:15 pm, the Margarita Salas Room at Canòdrom – Ateneu d’Innovació Digital i Democràtica will host the conference ‘Policies and technologies for participatory democracy. Global perspectives of the Decidim platform, democratic quality, and inclusion‘, where there will be a deep dive into the right to participation, digital rights, the technological gap, and inclusion in participation.

Additionally, there will be discussions on hybrid participatory processes and the importance of transparency, democratic quality, and ensuring access to participation for all participants in a process.


  • Óscar Romero, Director of Information, Civic Engagement Commission of New York

  • Carla Rocha, Deployment Manager, Brasil Participa

  • Carol Romero, Development Coordinator, Decidim, Localret

The event will be moderated by Arnau Monterde, Director of Democratic Innovation, Barcelona City Council.

Row 0:

  • Bet Bárbara, Head of the Department of Community Action and Neighborhood Facilities, Barcelona City Council

  • Carola Castellà, Head of the Technical Office of Participation for Local Governments, Provincial Council of Barcelona

  • Ernesto Morales, Coordinator of the School of Social and Urban Policies at IGOP, Institute of Governance and Public Policies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona

  • Hongria Panadero, Director of the Ferrer i Guàrdia Foundation

  • Jaume López, Director General of Good Governance, Innovation, and Democratic Quality, Government of Catalonia

  • Jordi Pacheco i Canals, Technical Director of the Postgraduate Program in Citizen Participation, Democratic Deliberation, and Digital Technologies at Colpis

  • Josep Lluis Martí, researcher, professor of philosophy of law and vice-rector of innovation projects at Pompeu Fabra University

  • Laia Torras, Director of Strategic Projects and Participation, City Promotion, Barcelona City Council

  • Manel Punsoda, Director of Active Democracy. Barcelona City Council.

  • Nil Homedes, president of the Decidim Free Software Association


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